Iran: Threat or Threatened
“Despite being attacked repeatedly for its oil by colonial Great Britain, and for territory by expansionist Russia; despite the 1953 CIA overthrow of Iran's democratically elected government and the Brittish/American imposition of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as the Shaw of Iran followed by decades of financial support of his brutal regime (again, for oil) ; despite the U.S. backed, brutal eight years of war launched by Saddam Hussein in which tens of thousands of Iranians fell to horrific chemical weaponry; the fact remains that Iran has not initiated a war since the mid-nineteenth century. How many nations can make that claim?
And, having spent this past decade surrounded by massive numbers of US and Brittish troups occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran has every reason to be suspicious of our intentions and assume a defensive position, and every right to prepare an effective response should it be forced, once again, to defend itself.
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