Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pull the Plug

It's time to pull the plug on the Political Conservatives' and Christian Evangelicals' sociopathic claim to be the rightful and proper judges of the rest of mankind, and their obsessive-compulsive fixation on regulating what you watch on TV, what you read, what you do in your bedroom, how you dress, which god you worship, your choice of music, who you love, and what you believe about the universe.

                                                             ~ G. Harris-Howe

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Enemy of the People #2

David Barton,
Humbug Historian

Meet this self-styled expert who found success peddling a radical Snake Oil History of the nation customized for the Conservative and Evangelicals agenda.  Associates: Glenn Beck,  Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, the Republican National Committee.

Biographical information for David Barton is featued in the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Files, a database of prominent extremists and extremist organizations. [Click Here]

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Liberals of the Revolution

Conservatives believe they share with the Founding Fathers a faith based world view rooted in Christian values and morality. But it's not true.

The Constitution of the United States is the work of weathy, educated, and successful men whose enlightened belief in the unalienable Rights of all men was rooted in the emerging rationalist movement of the 18th-century. They would be villified today as elitist, athiestic, leftist eggheads.

Ironically and tragically, those most likely to enshrine the Constitution - Conservatives and
Evangelicals - are in total denial, preferring a self-serving Creation Myth over the factual
historic birth of the nation and, inevitably, a confused and misguided vision for America.

Enemy of the People

“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” -- Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

"I hope he fails.” -- Rush Limbaugh, expressing his hopes for the Omama administration

In the middle of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression, with millions of jobless, homeless, sick, and hungry American desperate for help, Rush and Mitch, two of the nations highest profile conservatives, were busy jacking their partisan puds, wishing and planning to inflict four more years of pain and suffering on the nation and bring down Obama.

And, true to their word, the Republican orgy of fillibusters, billionaire tax breaks, hostage taking, union busting, and xenophobic, gun toting, bible thumping, birther propaganda has crippled the government and killed any chance the average American had for security and prosperity.

Limbaugh's and McConnell's intentions are dispicable, their agenda treasonous, and their hubris psychopathic.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mitt Romney Lies #1

Original Graphic GH-H 2012

Liar, Liar, Liar

Romney: Standing before the NRA , Romney claimed that Obama is limiting gun ownership, “This administration’s attack on freedom extends even to rights explicitly guaranteed by our Constitution. The right to bear arms is so plainly stated, so unambiguous, that liberals have a hard time challenging it directly. Instead, they’ve been employing every imaginable ploy to restrict it.”

Reality: Romney is following the lead of NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre who has claimed repeatedly that President Obama wants a second term so that he can “get busy dismantling and destroying our firearms’ freedom."

But back here on Earth, President Obama has not proposed any new gun ownership laws. He has proposed zero new laws that would restrict gun ownership. And when confronted, the Romney campaign couldn’t name any gun laws that Obama has proposed.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Funhouse Mirror #1

Iran: Threat or Threatened

“Despite being attacked repeatedly for its oil by colonial Great Britain, and for  territory by expansionist Russia; despite the 1953 CIA overthrow of Iran's democratically elected government and the Brittish/American imposition of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as the Shaw of Iran followed by decades of financial support of his brutal regime (again, for oil) ; despite the U.S. backed, brutal eight years of war launched by Saddam Hussein in which tens of thousands of Iranians fell to horrific chemical weaponry; the fact remains that Iran has not initiated a war since the mid-nineteenth century. How many nations can make that claim?

And, having spent this past decade surrounded by massive numbers of US and Brittish troups occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran has every reason to be suspicious of our intentions and assume a defensive position, and every right to prepare an effective response should it be forced, once again, to defend itself.


How to Become a Republican

 I know it's just pointless name calling, and I really don't like
adding to the politipoo, but I got a good laugh making it.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ronald Reagan

One More Time for Slow Learners

The irony of the St. Reagan myth is the total ignorance of his current admirers who would never support a candidate with his actual track record:

The Economy:

• In 1982, Reagan agreed to restore a major portion of recent tax cuts. It was the largest tax increase in U.S. history.

• In 1983, Reagan raised the gasoline tax by five cents a gallon and instituted a payroll-tax hike that helped fund Medicare and Social Security.

• In 1984, Reagan eliminated tax loopholes worth $50 billion over three years.

• In 1986, Reagan supported the progressive Tax Reform Act, which hit businesses with a record-breaking $420 billion in new fees.

• During Reagan's two terms, federal employment grew by more than 60,000 (in contrast, government payrolls shrank by 373,000 during Clinton’s presidency).

• During Reagan's two terms, the gap between the amount of money the federal government took in and the amount it spent nearly tripled. The national debt soared from $700 billion to $3 trillion.

• During Reagan's two terms, and the United States was transformed from the world’s largest international creditor to its largest debtor.

• George H.W. Bush called Reagan's economic policy "voodoo economics" before he swore by them.

Social Issues:

• In 1967, Governor Reagan signed legislation in California that legalized millions of abortions.

• In 1978, Governor Reagan opposed California’s Proposition 6 ballot initiative, which would’ve barred gay men and women from working in public schools.

• In 1986, Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act—a measure that granted amnesty to millions of aliens.

World View:

• Ronald Reagan falsely claimed that the Russian language had no word for "freedom."
(The word is "svoboda")

• Ronald Reagan claimed that intercontinental ballistic missiles could be recalled once launched.

• In the Oval Office, Ronald Reagan told Yitzhak Shamir and Simon Wiesenthal, on two separate occasions, that he himself had assisted personally at the liberation of the Nazi
death camps.

• Reagan announced that apartheid South Africa had "stood beside us in every war we've ever fought," but the South African leadership supported Hitler during World War II.

• Ronald Reagan alarmed his Soviet counterparts by stating that they would stand united against an invasion from Mars.


I am reminded of two quotations from the Great Communicator:

"Facts are stupid things."  Keep this in mind and take a good look at Reagan's time in office.

"Trust, but verify." Excellent advise.

[source: do your homework]